We developed high-pressure in situ spectroscopic techniques and their applications to study interactions between polymers and supercritical fluids, and partitioning, diffusion, extraction, drying, impregnation, dyeing and plasticization of polymeric materials (see Polymer Processing with Supercritical Fluids). We have developed several novel in situ spectroscopic approaches to study materials under high-pressure gases and supercritical fluids using ATR and transmission FTIR spectroscopy and spectroscopic imaging and confocal Raman microscopy. We have shown that effects of CO2 on polymers (swelling, sorption, etc.) are not purely physical phenomenon but include specific interactions. We obtained the spectroscopic evidence for interaction between CO2 and functional groups in polymers. This work has revealed molecular origins of the plasticising effect of CO2 on polymer - key in polymer processing with supercritical carbon dioxide. Implications of this work range from membrane technology to enhanced supercritical fluid polymer processing and preparation of new polymeric materials. The experimental approach was developed to study effects of high-pressure CO2 on the viscosity of liquid polymers and, for the first time, of suspensions of solid (nano) particles in the same polymer (Flichy 2003, see below). This is the first time that the viscosity of suspensions in liquid polymers under high-pressure CO2 was measured, and it is the first time that high-pressure rheology has been combined with in situ spectroscopic data to quantify the amount of dissolved CO2. We also discovered that the effects of CO2 depend on the surface chemistry of the silica, and we found that a hydrophilic surface of the silica causes gelation behaviour of the suspension under CO2. This rheological study opened new opportunities for high-pressure carbon dioxide applications for polymer processing.
See our recent Prospective article on the topic of supercritical fluids polymer processing: Current trends and opportunities for the applications of in situ vibrational spectroscopy to investigate the supercritical fluid processing of polymers in the Journal of Supercritical Fluids (2018) 134, 89-96 (doi), which summarises our recent research in the area and discusses challenges and future areas of research in this field, providing outlook for new exciting opportunities.
Key References
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- Ewing A. V. ., Kazarian S. G. Current trends and opportunities for the applications of in situ vibrational spectroscopy to investigate the supercritical fluid processing of polymers The Journal of Supercritical Fluids (2018) 134, 89-96 (doi)
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